Happy Mother’s Day - Honour Your Mom, and You’ll Live Long!

Honour Your Mom and Dad and You’ll Live Long!

Today is Mother’s Day. It is a day when we express our gratitude to all our mothers and mother figures for the sacrifices they have made for us to be who we are today.

In Jeremiah 35, the Recabites were told by their father Jonadab not take wine or plant vineyards or even build houses. Instead their forefather told them to always live in tents. He promised them that if they did so, they would live long in the land they were given, where they were nomads.

God sent Prophet Jeremiah to this family and told Jeremiah to give them wine. They of course refused and instead told Jeremiah of the command from their forefather, which they had obeyed.

God used their obedience in an analogy to contrast it with the disobedience of the people of Judah and Jerusalem:

“Will you not learn a lesson and obey my words?’ declares the Lord. Jonadab son of Recab ordered his sons not to drink wine and this command has been kept…But I have spoken to you again and again, yet you have not obeyed me.” (Jeremiah 35:13-14).

God told the people that they were going to experience disaster as a result, but for the Recabites He said that He will bless them.

We too can live long in this land God has given us. The Bible says that if we honour our father and mother, as written in the ten commandments, things will go well for us and we will enjoy long life on earth.

God blessed the Recabites, telling them that because of their obedience to their forefather, they will have a long lineage and would always have a man who will serve the Lord Almighty.

Similarly, God will also bless us with good things and long life if we honour our parents.

But how do we honour our parents? (This is borrowed from Tim Challies @challies.com)

First of all, let’s forgive them. Some of us may have had a bad experience with our parents. But however bad they may have been, forgive them today for God has forgiven us so so much!

Second, we should speak well of them. Refuse to speak evil of them. “Our words have the power to extend honour or dishonour.”

Third, esteem them publicly and privately. Give them credit often in public and in private. (I personally need to work on this one).

Fourth, seek their wisdom. They are older than us, they have lived longer and have a lot of practical wisdom. We honour them when we ask for their advice on how to handle different situations.

Fifth, support them with love and care. Don’t let them be lonely. In Kenya, most of the elderly people are in the countryside, while the youth are in cities. Don’t leave your parents alone in ‘ushago’ while you go about working 24/7 365 days a year. Visit them often, maybe once every 4 months?

Sixth, provide for them financially. They brought you up, paid for your school fees, changed your diapers, gave you all the basics: food, shelter, clothing, education. You owe it to them now they are old and not as strong as before. (Read 1 Timothy 5 on how to honour widows). Even if they didn’t do all that much for you financially, at least they gave birth to you! They may be wealthy, but they still need your support in one way or speak well of them, another. Such as giving them ides on their businesses, or helping them with a legal issue or family problems, etc. Be there for them.

In conclusion, let’s be there for our parents, let’s remember to forgive them, esteem them, seek their wisdom and provide for them financially. As the descendants of Jonadab followed their forefather’s advice, we too should follow God’s advice and honour our parents and it will go well with us.

Happy Mother’s Day! 


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